lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Quotes Make People Think

"Our people made that choice, the choice to go to Sameness. Before my time, before the previous time, back and back and back. We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and did away with difference. We gained control of many things. But we had to let go of others.” (Lowry 95)

This piece of text made me think about the past of the community. How the quote is said has some aspects of regret, not only sadness but also nostalgia. All the “sameness” that the Giver is talking about is of the community nowadays, but he said that they removed all color and all sunshine. While the Giver says that they removed all sunshine and color, it made me think, what if this community (as black and white as it is) is all based on the ideas of the Elder Chief from this period of time, but not as in the other Elder Chiefs would have done. The Giver still remembers the days where colors still existed. What if the drastic color change of his home made his sad and doesn’t feel to teach memories anymore?

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

The Giver by Lois Lowry Chapters 5-8

A few days before the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas dreamed about his crush, Fiona, and is medicated with pills to prevent his "stirrings". Jonas described his dream as a strong "wanting". He recalls something the speakers had said about their parents preventing their child stirrings. The next day, Jonas and Lily talk about some of their major accomplishments each year, and they mention Caleb, which was a "loss", the people on the commuity say that a loss is extremely rare around. Baby Caleb was lost due to a bad nurturing of his father, leading Caleb to fall into the river. After that same night it was finally Ceremony of Twelve's. The first kid to come into the stage was Asher, and they made him remember his childhood. It was Fiona´s turn after a while, but once she was off-stage, Jonas noticed that he was skipped, Jonas was really worried, he thought what he did wrong and kept reflecting and wondering after the end of the ceremony, then Jonas is finally called up on stage. The Chief Elder gave a speech, saying how Jonas was different and special towards this community. At the end of the day, Jonas was given a very special assignment as "Reciever".

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

"The Giver" by Lois Lowry Chapter 1-4

The Giver tells the story about Jonas and the community. The community among Jonas is a very organized and square community, where each citizen is given a assignment to work on for his entire life. All the supplies for his community come with a cargo plane, and once a jet flew by and Jonas was frightened. Shortly after, a speaker said that we would be released. A little newborn baby came to the house at the time father came home, his name was Gabriel. Jonas then is introduced to the Ceremony of Twelve which is a big step into Jonas´ life. After a while, Jonas´ notices that his eyes and Gabe´s were different in the whole community, and Lily got her hair ribbons which she doesnt really like. 

One the next day, Jonas and his best friend, Asher to go the Volunteer Hours to be able to have a succesful Ceremony of Twelve. The 2 friends had to bathe an old lady, and she talked to Jonas about Roberto, and how his "releasing" went for the old man.

Jonas´ Dystopia


Jonas feels like his whole word is a perfect place, everything is organized and under control, the birds are chriping and there is just peace and no war. Every person has his own role on the community. But he is sent to meet a person called what seems to be "The Giver", he says theat he holds the truth about the world Jonas lives in.